Monday, August 26, 2013

Moved into the pool room...

Well I haven't posted in a while. So I thought I would update. We are now moved into the pool room and its fantastic. So much more room!!! I sleep better too.  Still have a lot to do. Just a rough idea of what it looks like. 

Hubby is getting ready to install the new ceiling fan/light we bought over the weekend. I love that thing!

We were also able to get to marshalls and get a new comforter and 2 new decorative pillows all for 45 bucks! Gotta love a deal. :)

Gray and teal, of course!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ellie Goulding concert photos

I got some pics from the Ellie Goulding and Bruno Mars concert from a friend that went with us. Thought I would post them even though its a little late.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pool Table is gone..

Well today at around 11am the guys from the pool table company came and moved the pool table.. Didnt take them long at all.  Most of it we were able to put into the garage. We had it professionally moved and pulled apart because we didnt trust ourselves and these guys know what they are doing.

Empty room!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Mandalay Bay Vacation

Well we got back from our Vegas trip today. Had a good time. Not as much fun as last time but it was good. Seemed like there was kids everywhere at Mandalay Bay. Esp at the pool. Which got very frustrating cause no matter where you went it was crowded. Wasn't like that at all at TI last time. 

Gambling sucked too. Hubby likes to gamble so we gambled a few times. Every time putting in a 20 and won nothing. Usually we get some money back or are able to play for a while. Not here. Straight up took our money. :( 

The highlight was the shark reef. That was worth the money. So neat. We got to pet sting rays. See a bunch of sharks, jellyfish, starfish and all kinds of other fish. We even got to see the turtle they recently adopted since he was not able to release him into the wild due to a collapsed lung. (If I remembered right)

Anyways here are some neat picture from the trip.

 Cool Aquarium in the lobby while we were checking in. Dont mind Miss grumpy pants looking at us lol.
 They have some amazing photography through out the hotel and a gallery of the photographers work. Starting at just 3000 bucks for a small one. Thats all. lol

 Mini bar in our room... The bags of snacks were 8 dollars each. Then the bottle of Patron was 40 for a small one. We did not take anything lol

 Well known restaurant called Aureole. Waiters have to buggy chord their way up inside the tower to retrieve wine for customers. Very cool!

 Eatin some lunch at a restaurant called Citizen and it was Delish!!!! Both had the Blue cheese, mushroom burger and it was yummy. Hubby got no blue cheese on his. He doesnt like it lol

 Very cool Japanese restaurant.

 Cool alligator under water. Right up against the glass :)

 Two scuba divers cleaning the tank. Very cool... I would love that job!

 The sting ray touch pool. When we showed up they were actually feeding the rays and we had to wait till the feeding was over to be able to touch them, but the lady went rambling on about them so really it took way longer. We ended up coming back and then were able to touch them. You will see the pic of hubby petting them.

 The jellyfish tank was awesome... to be that close to them was amazing. :)

 Baby rays but they were so hard to capture without the flash on cause they are so quick.

 This was cool. They made it seem like we were in the hull of a ship and underwater. It was so dark in there that the top picture is blurry without the flash since the shutter speed was so slow due to the darkness. The second picture is with the flash on and I hate the way they turn out.

 Sea turtle they adopted. :)

 Yummy frozen yogurt we had....
 Boiler room restauraunt. It was cool. All steam punk like :)
 Cool steampunk hat

 The pool. We spent half the day at the pool. Very crowded.

 This was a headless man outside the Red Square which was a restaurant. Pretty cool.

 Mandalay Bay
 New York, New York
 Manday Bay and THEhotel


 Primm. The border of Cali and Nevada.

These were solar panels out in the desert, thought they were pretty cool.

Well thats it! Thanks for looking!!