Now the next mission was to find a rod. They didn't have the right size at Marshall's. We went next door and looked at Tuesday Morning and they didn't have it either. What we needed was a massive long one.
We ran over to the Carlsbad Mall to JCPenny's and looked for a nice rod. I did not know that the majority of them were 100 bucks just for a rod. I am not paying that. Sorry.
So then we jetted over to Target and found the one we ended up getting for 30 bucks :) Now that's more my price! I wasn't gonna pay 100 for a rod just because it said Martha Stewart on it.
So home we go to go put these babies up! End result...
They end up being about 6 inches off the ground... I wanted them to hit the ground but this is good enough for now. We can always buy nicer ones later if we decide to change em. I just wanted those vertical blinds down.
Sunday we were talking about an AC unit because it has been miserable here in SD. We cant sleep at night. The house itself has AC but the room was built after the house was built and they only installed one vent and that blows almost nothing into the room. Then the in-laws told us they had a window AC unit that they have had for years and never took it out of the box. SO we ran over to pick it up and install. :) This was in the evening time when we got home we had to think of a temp. install for now so that we could use it.
We ended up running over to Lowe's and getting some wood. We used one of our 15, 7 dollar tables we have from IKEA and stacked em and then cut the bottom legs so that it sits even with the window to hold it up outside. Ghetto I know, but just temp. Then we bought a piece of plywood and cut to fit the rest of the window. (I will be getting a piece of bead board to put over it in white.) Our neighbor did all our windows so we are going to see about a custom window to fit above it. So here it is... don't judge yet... this is only temporary.
Wow what a project. But we turned it on and bam! Cold air! It was awesome. As you can see it said it was 80 in the room.
I know I know what your thinking... lady you need to do something with those wood paneled walls... I know! I have plans don't worry. :)
We also last weekend install a key lock on the slider so we are able to have our own entry to our room separate from the house :)
And of course I had to take pictures of the little mitz.
I know she is just to freaking adorable. As you can see in the back that is a bar with a sink and fridge... that will be a whole nother project in its self.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about how we did anything feel free to contact me in the comments :)
Lookin' good!