Sunday, July 28, 2013

The pool room

Well today I took some pictures of the pool room and realized I have some work cut out for me and the hubby. Dont mind all the junk. The room has become a dumping ground for everything we dont use all the time. All of this will be removed. Trust me! lol

                           The bar which already has running water/sink and a fridge :)

As you can see the room is pretty dated. But thats ok. Gives me something to look forward to and something to work towards. :) Keep you posted on the room. As you know we are waiting for the pool table to sell. We have someone interested and wants to come look at it next week so we will see :)


  1. That isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, you can totally make that work! Can't wait to see pictures of your progress.
