Thursday, July 25, 2013

The waiting game...

Well as you know we will be moving into a 358 sq ft room but we are currently waiting for the pool table that is taking up the room to sell. We might be waiting a while!

In the meantime. Thought I would post some pics and stuff from previous Vegas vacations.

The first time we went, we were living in Texas and once we went we were hooked. We went with my husbands friend Andrew and his gf (at the time) Emily. I dont really remember the date that we went. Sorry :/. Anyways enjoy!

This was our room at the MGM. The bed was amazing!

                                                         See if you can find me :)

 We took the time to go to the wax museum which is really cool if you get a chance. Its a little expensive. But they look just like the celebrities. Awesome :)

 This is the Venetian which is cool. Looks like your outside and then they have gondola rides :) 

                              Treasure Island. One of our favorite hotels. Very nice!

Then we went this past Feb to see P!nk performing at Mandalay Bay. We stayed at luxor. Not worth the money at all.. The luxor has gone way downhill. Constantly being bugged by workers to get you to sign up for stuff and pushing sales. The carpet was comming up in the hallways to the rooms. And the rooms were so so. Wont stay there again. Oh well now we know!

Here are those pics!


 We stopped at the Mirage where they had Siegfried and Roy's lions and I went cause I love dolphins and wanted to see them :)

                           My mom loves Toby Keith so we have to stop and take a picture :)

 All of us :) Except Robin who was taking the picture. From the left: Carrie, Matthew, Me, My Mom and Brother Taylor.

 On our drive out there we stopped at a little Diner. Of course you have to get chocolate malts!

Our 3rd time out there me and hubby just went. It was the most relaxing time cause we mainly just spent time with each other and at the pool :) Which was awesome! They had a DJ. We stayed at Treasure Island which is so far my fav out of all of em. Drinks and pool and I am in heaven!

 This was the view from one window. We ended up getting really lucky and they gave us a room on the very end so we had two views :) Pays to be nice to the hotel staff.

                                                    Motorcycle crash below our room....

Videos from the pool :)

Wells thats it for Vegas :) I tried to upload the videos on P!nk and they wouldnt work. Darn! 

Well see ya next time!

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